6 UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE SOLO-SMALL ENSEMBLE Please read the current issue of the Constitution and Contest Rules SOLO ADJUDICATORS MUST CHECK - Solo Performed from Memory: Yes No TONE + - Blend + - Intonation + - Quality + - Control + - Support + - VolumeMissing: download. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow bltadwin.ru more. CoNLL17 Skipgram Terms - Free ebook download as Text File .txt), PDF File .pdf) or read book online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Open navigation menu.
current year's region solo and ensemble contest. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS. (1) Each applying ensemble and participant ensemble shall register by following the instructions on the UIL website. (2) Each applying ensemble shall submit a recording made during the current school year of the ensemble performing 10 to 15 minutes of music from any source. UIL Music Region 17 6A State Marching Contest - December TBA Orchestra Solo and Ensemble Contest - January 30 (TBA) Deadline January 8, Band Solo and Ensemble Contest - February 6 (Clear Lake HS) Deadline January 8, Texas Music Educators Conference (All-State Band, Choir and Orchestra) - Febru, 12, and REVISED UIL ENTRY DEADLINES AND ENTRY FEE DEADLINES FOR ALL SOLO AND ESNEMBLE CONTESTS ALL CONCERT SIGHT -READING EVALUATIONS Solo and Ensemble Contest: Entry Deadline: Ma. Entry Fee Deadline: 1 week before requested contest date. Contest Window: Febru - Ma for TSSEC advancing entries.
Prescribed Music List. The PML is updated annually and released on September 1. Substitution of Unlisted Editions for Selections in the PML - Any unabridged edition by a current copyright holder of a selection appearing in the Prescribed Music List may be substituted. UIL Music defines unabridged as containing the same musical content. The Texas University Interscholastic League (UIL) sponsors annual competitions for solo performers and ensembles. They maintain an official Prescribed Music List (PML), from which students can select approved pieces to play, ranging from Grade 1 (difficult) to Grade 3 (easiest). current year’s region solo and ensemble contest. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS. (1) Each applying ensemble and participant ensemble shall register by following the instructions on the UIL website. (2) Each applying ensemble shall submit a recording made during the current school year of the ensemble performing 10 to 15 minutes of music from any source.