LAMP Words For Life ® LAMP Words for Life is designed to meet the communication needs of children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Based on the Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) methodology, its consistent motor plan enables early success and allows the client's vocabulary and communication skills to grow. The Unity® language system is the most established AAC language system in the industry. It's used by tens of thousands of people using AAC and has been translated into more than a dozen languages. It's also the foundation of the LAMP Words for Life® and CoreScanner™ language systems. The Unity language system is flexible and helps. Downloads for AAC Products. Select your product from the dropdown menu below for related downloads. Jump To: Make a Selection NovaChat 5 NovaChat 8 NovaChat 10 NovaChat 12 Via® Pro TouchChat Express 8 Chat Editor AeroSwitch Chat Fusion TouchChat Express 10 NovaChat 7 Words for LifeTM NOVA Edition ChatBox ChatBox 40 ChatPC-Silk ALT-Chat.
LAMP Words f or Life User's Guide 5 Using LAMP Words for Life LAMP Words for Life® is intended for individuals who have difficulty using their natural voice. LAMP Words for Life is designed for individuals with Autism, Down s yndrome, ALS, apraxia, stroke, or other conditions that affect a person's ability to use natural speech. DOWNLOAD (53M) Step 1: Download the Game Exe. Step 2: Install the Game. Step 3: Play the Game. EmulatorPC, is developed and powered by a Patented Android Wrapping Technology, built for the PC environment, unlike other emulators in the market. EmulatorPC encapsulates quality mobile Apps for PC use, providing its users with seamless experience. Realize Language is a new online service that gives parents and professionals powerful ways to monitor, measure, and maximize a child's use of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) speech device. Many AAC devices automatically collect data when the device is used. These include the Accent™, ECO™, Vantage™, Vanguard™, and.
LAMP Words for Life is designed to meet the communication needs of children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Based on the Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) methodology, its consistent motor plan enables early success and allows the client's vocabulary and communication skills to grow. Download LAMP Words For Life for iOS to lAMP Words For Life is a full English vocabulary augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) language app that combines the power of the PRC. Support Articles. We know achieving communication success is a process that involves much more than providing an app, so we have created a variety of resources to help you make the most of the Words for Life app. To help you get started, we have created a series of short support articles and videos that walk you through common tasks in the app.